On The Time To Talk About It

The time to discuss it, bounce it off other people and listen to their responses. Justine is an artist in residence here too, he’s a playwright, completing a commissioned play on the life of Charles Darwin and the legacy of his discoveries all the way to nowadays genetic bio-engineering. How interesting you find those conversations […]

Dandelion Paellata, a Weed Recipe

Lucas and Lizzy came for dinner, so you made-up a recipe using Dandelion and whatever you had in the cupboard. It turned up to be a cross between a spanish vegetarian Paella and a frittata, therefore the name, Paellata. Ingridients: 4 cups of Dandelion leaves, chopped 4 eggs 1 cup of rice 1 onion, chopped […]

On Ethnobotany and Ethnobotanical Footprints.

You went back to Beeweeree to look for footprints, the leftovers of introduced ethnobotanical knowledge. Since the beginning of civilization, people have used plants as medicine. Perhaps as early as Neanderthal man, plants were believed to have healing powers. The earliest recorded uses are found in Babylon circa 1770 BC in the Code of Hammurabi […]

On Camphor Laurel and the need to preserve it

Yesterday you got lost on the island. The expanse of the river-deposited sand dune confused you. Although, through the meandering on the thickly growing vegetation (mainly Casuarina and Lantana), you found a beautiful tree. This is the first time you spot a Camphor Laurel in Bundanon. This particular one was big, healthy and fruiting. No […]

German Weedy Connection!

Two artists from Germany are in Sydney at the moment. A common friend made you aware of their work. They are the most post-victorian (see below) artists you know at the moment, even worse then yourself. Their project consist of humorously follow the steps of early colonial botanists in this country, with the aim of […]

Second Studio Visit, and the Reason Why You Do This

Second Studio visit, this time the students from Stella Maris High School. You talked about weeds and how this investigation of yours fit within the charta of the Artist in Residence Program of Bundanon. You talked and it was surprising how easy it was to present the idea. No opposition. No difficult questions. It always […]

On Willows And Shovel Handles

It must be one of your most recurrent observations, how low peoples/farmers/government in this country think of Willows. You remember your youth, comes late autumn/winter, the work in the fields quites down. Is the time for the cleaning, the keeping warm, the reassessing your tools and machinery you are going to use and abuse so […]

The History of Herbal Supplements

You are reading a lot at the moment, you’ve got the time for it, thanks Bundanon. You are reading books and online resources and it urges you to do a post about the historical connection between humans and the plant world. Next you will upadte the database This article was found online and it best […]

Fat Hen-Chenopodium album

Chenopodium album (fat hen) is an erect, bushy, branched annual to 1m, mealy-white all over, especially on the flowers and underside of the leaves. Flowers both spring and autumn. Found in summer in irrigated row crops and wasteland. A very common weed of horticulture. Native to Europe. Edible Uses Leaves – raw or cooked. A […]