nettle soup
nettle soup, originally uploaded by the weed one. Bundanon, the place of the deep gullies.. Here for a 10 days collaborative experiment, joining science and art: Siteworks. Co-convened by Michael Cohen, Deborah Ely and Fiona Winning, the laboratory brings together a host of disparate art practitioners and scientists, looking at water, landscape, ecology of the […]
jo and solanum
jo and solanum, originally uploaded by the weed one. Images from the Weedbook Tour of Harold Park. Great day, lots of fantastic botany and a mix of people with good things to say. Whter you like weeds or not, it was a day were the complexity was acknowledged, nature is powerfull, and omnipresent. Not necessarily […]
on why you have a problem with Monsanto
Quite simply because you formed your political opinions in the years of No-Corporate-Globalisation.. Late nighties, early noughties, when there was an enormous amount of uprising and contestation around issues of big multinationals overshadowing locally elected governments for the benefit of an increasingly smaller amount of individuals.. The issues are still current, nothing stopped, neither the […]
on getting your message broadcasted
Just out, a short sketch on the exhibition In The Balance, you get to talk about weeds, Lucas Ihlein about what it means to produce art concerned with the environment, Janet Laurence about the fragility of the environment and Rachel Kent on the overarching issues..
green pastures
green pastures, originally uploaded by the weed one. A few images from the first weedbook tour. This one was at The Domain, just outside the Royal Botanic Gardens. Thanks to all who braved the weather and came down for it. more images in this set: Here is the documentation to download: The Domain weedbook pamphlet […]
on ‘getting my support wherever I find it’
On Wednesday a very positive article on the Sydney Morning Herald was written about the food forest project of The Artist As Family. It made you ponder, and resolved to stitch together a bunch of instances you encountered in the past few years, as you think the relationship of those various sporadic moments of communication […]