dandelion coffe

dandelion coffe, a set on Flickr. A step by step procedure on how to make dandelion coffee, from field to cup >>

weed dysplay

weed dysplay, a photo by the weed one on Flickr. Liverpool Council pampas grass asthma weed blue morning glory lantana broad-leaf privet asparagus fern cat claw creeper green cestrum african olives camphoe laurel japanese honey suckle bridal creeper coastal morning glory small-leaf privet bitou bush salvinia baloon vine madeira vine moth vine alligator weed water […]

Wattle seeds

Wattle seeds a video by the weed one on Flickr. Glen from ilovewarrigalgreens.com.au, talking about Wattle seeds and how when they are mature and roasted are eaten. Australian Acacia

Stringy bark, meeting the canoe tree

Stringy bark, meeting the canoe tree a video by the weed one on Flickr. This is the tree we are going to use. We went to have a look at it, had a look at the bark, the surroundings and assessed the task.

permaculture Diary 2012 write-up

the article , originally uploaded by the weed one. Thanks to Michele Margolis for the writing in Permaculture Diary. Get your copy from here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Permaculture-Diary-and-Calendar/225706180797007

Weedy wonders blossom in Chippendale

An article about a recent tour of your in Chippendale appeared on the CityNews, by Millicent Caffrey. It follows a 6 seconds appearance on mainstream TV, as part of the program 7pm Project Download the CityNews newspaper here and the TV program here below, the article by Millicent: There is no such thing as weeds. […]

nettle soup

nettle soup, originally uploaded by the weed one. Bundanon, the place of the deep gullies.. Here for a 10 days collaborative experiment, joining science and art: Siteworks. Co-convened by Michael Cohen, Deborah Ely and Fiona Winning, the laboratory brings together a host of disparate art practitioners and scientists, looking at water, landscape, ecology of the […]

jo and solanum

jo and solanum, originally uploaded by the weed one. Images from the Weedbook Tour of Harold Park. Great day, lots of fantastic botany and a mix of people with good things to say. Whter you like weeds or not, it was a day were the complexity was acknowledged, nature is powerfull, and omnipresent. Not necessarily […]

green pastures

green pastures, originally uploaded by the weed one. A few images from the first weedbook tour. This one was at The Domain, just outside the Royal Botanic Gardens. Thanks to all who braved the weather and came down for it. more images in this set: Here is the documentation to download: The Domain weedbook pamphlet […]

a sudden shift

you in Bundanon for a couple of days, left the hyper communication behind opting for a more rewarding, considered exchange with fellow artists and scientist as part of Siteworks 2010: laboratory and forum. As the website say: SiteWorks, an ongoing conversation between artists and scientists investigating the empirical and interpretive possibilities of the Bundanon property […]