on not quite art

Tomorrow, Tuesday 30 October, 10 Pm, the last of a three part series will be broadcasted on ABC.

The series aims at showcasing an aspect of culture rarely sen on tv here in Australia, the “outsiders”.

Host Marcus Westbury, founder of the This is Not Art Festival in Newcastle and the former director of Next Wave Festival in Melbourne, takes on a tour of how the art world looks from the other side.

The result is commendable and although you’re partisan as both the Uncollectibles and the Weedyconnection projects are featured, you really liked the nerve of the guy.
We’re talking here of an art program who questions the reality of cultural activity within a social context using street art and unauthorized activities as examples, positioning them along side the high art which we , as viewer, are use to be presented with in mainstreams forums as the ABC TV.
“We, as viewer,” is a bit of an over-statement as the other night when you went to a friends house to watch the program, was probably the first time you laid down your eyes on the biased media tool since the world cup (a year n a half ago), and before that the period of negation of attention was just as long.
Regardless of what you think of the medium, you enjoyed the program.
I enjoyed also very much the commitment of Marcus Westbury, who diligently went in a number of forum discussions sparked by the program and answered first person the difficult questions arising from it, see here.
So, here is the link to the second episode, where the Uncollectibles and the WeedKiller project are featured.
It’s quite long, so it may be a bit heavy on low-speed internet users.
If you have problems you can alternatevily try this link, or this one from the ABC site, which i believe will not be alive for much longer, and where you will find the all series.

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