On Talking About It

You gave a talk today, at the ATVP Contemporary Art.
You bacame good at it, by now the catch-frases flow out of your mouth, like the one on multiculturalism in Australia,”a display of funny costumes, funny dances, funny foods and funny accents”. It works all the time, it always catches some smiles.
At times you feel like a serial killer. As Tv detective-profiling-series teach, the serial killers do want to get caught, they deep down want to be stopped.
But somewhat you always manage to get a simpathetic audience.
Does it really makes sense what you’re trying to say? Is it really floored?

This talk came onto you by surpirise, you forgot about it, otherwise you had written about it, so readers could come and put a face behind the words, and hear first hand what’s your rethoric founding pillars.
But no fear! there is goinig to be another talk, this time an actual lecture.
Monday 23, at Sydney’s, yourself in conjunction with the german weed hunters are going to present “A Weed World” (working title).
You’ll meet tomorrow with Matthias and Iza to fine-tune the deatils.
We’ll let you know the full details soon.
In the mean-time you should mention a few comments about blogging from Bundanon.
Lots of people loved it. Popular posts were the ones on mushrooms: quite a few people had no idea you could get edible mushrooms in fields and pine plantations.
They thought you only pick mushrooms when you want to get high!
How much we lost of environmental knowledge?
On the bright side, the Cymbalaria muralis, the subject of your CCTV live feed, is flowering!


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