Autumn slowly draw the curtain at a humid and stormy summer, the forests of australia sprouting mushrooms at a rate not been seen from a while.
So much rain we had in the past 8 months, more than many years’ averages.
We went to the Belanglo State Forest, looking at the place you read about in an essay by Max Kwiatkowski. Here’s the article and here’s the full publication, thanks, sorry.
In Re-creating the Polish ‘homelandscape’, Mushroom Hunting in Belanglo the writer talks of a specific ethnic space, created around the practice of Mushroom foraging. “Weekends and holidays such as Easter Monday saw whole convoys of Poles descend on Belanglo“.
So we went too, not to find what you were looking for though, Boletus, rather you end up coming home with two bucketful of Saffron Milk Caps, Lactarius deliciosus.
Here is a recipe you lifted from George Biron here:
White polenta with braised leeks and saffron milk caps
Serves 62 Lt light chicken stock
300 f white polenta
12 small leeks, cleaned
350 gm fresh saffron milk cap mushrooms (Lactarius Deliciosus)
80 gm finely ground parmesan
20 gm unsalted butter
1) slowly braise the leeks whole in 1/2 litre of chicken stock.When soft, add well cleaned saffron milk caps, cut into rough pieces. Cook for about 10 mins. Reduce to a light unctuous sauce.
2) cook polenta by drizzling into the remaining stock slowly and stirring for 35-45 mins on very low heat (reserve some hot stock in case the mixture is too heavy – it should be light and fluffy and able to pour from the pot)
3) when the polenta is finished, add the knob of butter and Parmesan. Season.
4) pour into wide, shallow serving dish. Pour the leek and mushroom mixture on top and serve.
This dish is also wonderful with fresh Italian white truffle (Tuber Magnatum Pico)
George says this he uses saffron milk caps for this dish for their great nutty flavour and because they retain their crunchy texture with long cooking. The soft leeks are a good sweet foil and the colour is spectacular against the white polenta. Use only the best Parmesan and butter.
While you instead opted for a recipe Mick found on the net:
Lightly wash, remove the stalk and then boil for 5 minutes.
Fry whole cap down in olive oil with small amount of garlic.
Serve drenched in olive oil and fresh parsley.
They were delicious, Lactarius deliciosus!
French: lactaire délicieux, catalan
German: echter Reizker
Italian: agarico deliziosa
Polish: rydz, mlecza
Russian: ryzhik
..and here’s a list of links