On Plant’s Intelligence
Oh well, however nutty might sound, this guy present it with data and charm: Stefano Mancuso: the roots of plant intelligence From here
on how to display botanical reality
Oxalis, living in enclosed environment, a terrarium. This growing plant is part of an exhibition at the MCA, opening this Friday, In The Balance, a show about art and environment. You have made a terrarium before, and this latest ones (5 of them) have been constructed by the expert hands of Ian and Matt, two […]
on Bidens pilosa
You have been walking around, and traveling the world lately, so that you could compare the spontaneous vegetation in different parts of the globe..no not that many, but a few. You came across this Bidens pilosa on The Domain, Sydney, and posted it on you flickr page. While doing a bit of research in trying […]
where the wild things are
Most of the action at the moment happen in the Chippendale Google map (see the tab above) and in the Flicker page (see the tab on the left) come by, see the wonders
on Tribulus Terrestris
You are subscribed to many lists and groups with a focus on foraging or plants as medicinal aids and more. One of this is a MSN Group, Healing Herbs. In it several contributors share their knowledge while other users ask questions. You have been reading lots of fantastic postings from Julia in this group, one […]