on how to make a bark canoe

Historians Jim Walliss and instigator Diego Bonetto collaborate with artists Steve Russell and Noel Lonesborough from Boolarng Nangamai Aboriginal Corporation to tackle the challenge of making a traditional (Aboriginal) Jervis Bay canoe from the bark of a stringybark tree sourced on the Bundanon property. The canoe was constructed in eight hours – following clear directions […]

humor! yes please

indeed, you laughed. While looking around in your connections you seldom come about new things/people/corners in the wide web.. little windows into someone else’s media adventure. This time you found an urban forager, or rather an urban scout as Peter Bauer introduce himself. A cheeky and light-hearted messenger, who likes to pose bare chested, mud […]

Usefull Links and cross reference

Here’s a list of useful sites where you can further search informations about plants, many of which are declared weeds. some of this links are on the website, some are not yet. happy browsing! Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Index The Winemaking Home Incredible Edibles Wild Food Adventures Edible Sierra Nevada Plants The Really WILD Food […]