On foraging and Videos, a poetic response

From Alex and Clare ๐Ÿ™‚ Pioneers from vdmalex on Vimeo. 2010 we attended a ‘Weed Tour’ of Sydney Park, hosted by local artist Diego Bonetto as part of the Museum of Contemporary Art’s major exhibition ‘In The Balance: Art for a Changing World’. Diego introduced us to his friends – dandelion, wild mustard, sowthistle and […]

Alack, ’tis he!

King Lear Act 4, scene five CORDELIA: Alack, โ€˜tis he! Why, he was met even now As mad as the vexed sea, singing aloud, Crowned with rank fumiter and furrow-weeds, With hardokes, hemlock, nettles, cuckoo-flowers, Darnel, and the idle weeds that grow In our sustaining corn (IV.v.1-6) . Fumiter: fumitory Furrow-weeds: William Shakespeare Thanks Jenifer […]

on perMapOesiS

Natural Bitterness from Patrick Jones on Vimeo. a short video poem by Patrick Jones, permaculturalist, spoken word artist, poet, blogger, father, all of which in no specific order. ” the industries of spontaneous flora. an invisible abundance that greed ignores ” Read more here

Moment rair (moo-ment ra-ir) piedmontese for Rare moments

pic from Lady-Bug This poem below was dedicated to you from a blog in Piedmontese, the language you grew up with. You are flattered, it’s about a walk by two small lakes, the vegetation, and the silent of nature. You can read the Italian translation here.. You’re not going to translate it any further than […]

A little Poetry

Found this one by searching blogs around, thought was lovely… Democracy by Ann Zelenka I’ve spaded up a garden But I haven’t planted seeds, This one’s going to be kept Exclusively for weeds – There won’t be distinctions Or uptilted noses, And Queen Anne’s lace is lovelier Than lilies or roses.