My Crown Of Weeds

You are reblogging here the words from Jennifer Hamilton, on the occasion when you went on an harvest to collect with her the necessary ingredients for a Crown Of Weeds… read on>> “A long time ago I promised to think more about the crown of weeds in King Lear. On October 12, 2012, more than […]

Alack, ’tis he!

King Lear Act 4, scene five CORDELIA: Alack, ‘tis he! Why, he was met even now As mad as the vexed sea, singing aloud, Crowned with rank fumiter and furrow-weeds, With hardokes, hemlock, nettles, cuckoo-flowers, Darnel, and the idle weeds that grow In our sustaining corn (IV.v.1-6) . Fumiter: fumitory Furrow-weeds: William Shakespeare Thanks Jenifer […]