Brenda’s Gin

A twig of a tree in the empty vessel of the Empire’s tears. Monkey do, monkey see, monkey fears. Brenda, Haberfield


This postings are a double-blogging exercise. The project’s page is Hanging Garden and Other Tales.. Lucas and Elena with their cactus Mama Cactus On new years eve, 2001, a bunch of us went for a big bike ride around to lots of different parties – in Darlinghurst, Surry Hills, and Glebe. We figured ti was […]

mark’s green friend

My grandmother was such a great thumb. THis plant was one of few she gave me years ago, and the beginning of my personal love of plants. Nanna nena, my grandmother, passed away late last year, so this plant is extra special now. Like she lives with me in my studio. Mark, Camperdown