on the common amaranth
It is everywhere around here, green amaranth, amaranthus viridis. It is a declared environmental weed in some places and a prized food in others, see what wikipedia has to say: Amaranthus viridis is eaten traditionally as a vegetable in South India, especially in Kerala, where it is known as “Kuppacheera”. In Greece it is called […]
On hoW to pRepAre prIckLY peAr
Nopal, or prickly pear, has many uses, the most common being culinary. Mexican and South American cooking frequently calls for this versatile vegetable, and it is gaining popularity for its practicality and health benefits. Nopal is high in soluble fiber and low in calories at just five per ½ cup. ? Instructions Things You’ll Need […]
InsideOut TV comes to the Foraging Tour!
Check the YouTube channel
the served meal
the served meal, originally uploaded by the weed one. The steak came from a friend about to go in holiday, either you took it or it would have been wasted. The greens were foraged on a bike ride along cooks river, they are Warrigal greens (Tetragonia tetragoniodes) and Fat hen (Chenopodium album) They made for […]
on Weedbuster week and why you still at it
Ok, so you are going to offer 5 tours in the next month and a half, in 5 different locations. This is nothing new to your practice, as you have been using this ‘delivery’ concept as far back as 2002, when you first produced Weedkiller/Pestcotroller in an abandoned Drive In at Kingswood, Western Sydney. Since […]
passing on some good writing
Patrick Jones is an artist, permaculturalist and dad from Melbourne. At the moment busy with the setting up of a food forest as part of the incoming show at the MCA, In the Balance, check out the progress here and some more of his writings here. Here you would like to share an article by […]
This is funny
so, you have been bragging about spontaneous flora from a while, and it somewhat feels strange this, but you are now involved in a garden project, www.tending.net, where in collaboration with Lucas Ihlein and anybody else who would like to join in the adventure, are going to somewhat grow things! yes, that’s right, actual seeding, […]
weedbook >>Sydney!
yep, here it is. if you are in Sydney, or you’d like to follow the developmnet of this facebook-weed-ing excercise, just click below and ‘like’ this page! cheers, more to come 🙂 weedbook SydneyPromote your Page too
on artistic content, the lack of or..does it matter?
You spent the day with Lucas yesterday, general catch up on all sort of things, as we are entangled in all sorts of artistic ventures together, like the BigFagPress, SquatSpace and more current and gone projects. We’re going to add another one in the collaborative list, with the -just started- Tending project. This is going […]
More on Bidens pilosa
The Facebook intervention is building up, with some plants getting more friends than other’s.. Interesting is that one in particular, Bidens pilosa (search for it on Facebook) is proving true to its vernacular name in Australia, Farmer’s friend, sticking to people and propagating from one friend to another in a viral mode. So lately you […]