You have looked at the weather from all directions.
You have followed the moon, the seasons, the relationship between the crescent to the rest of the cycle, the common (imported) knowledge of various cultures, sayings, hear-says, the words from yours old ways of northern Italy..
By now your friends just ‘let you talk’, as in, used and amused by yours weather forecasting, pulling together a mix-mathch of non-scientific (popular) knowledge, they just let you predict..
At times you get it right, at times obviously not, most times it is too hard to call it: could be true, could be not..
Those ‘grey-zone’ divination attempt interest you a lot. In a way the fact that peasant knowledge is NOT perfect and that at times it does not provide reliable hints is actually secondary in a way, as, you argue, the real benefit from assessing, aknowledging, observing and remembering weather patterns is a good thing in itself. Somewhat becoming aware of cosmic rotations, rain patterns and temperature fluctuations is, after all, an important behavior, aloowing for a more cosncious presence withing the ecology of a particular place.
Being aware is good.
So, you spent several years guessing the weather, pulling in your personal informations and mix it up with bits and pieces from all over, in order to asses, look at and define how the weather works where you live.
You have just now found a piece of knowledge which has been missing from your tool box since you started. Finally a group of enlightened and generous individual put together a clear, minimal but priceless, chart of how the weather and the seasons were understood in D’harawal Country, where you live.
The D’harawal Country and language area extends from the southern shores of Port Jackson (Sydney Harbour) to the northern shores of the Shoalhaven River,and from the eastern shores of the Wollondilly River system to the eastern seaboard.
Time of Burran – ?Gadalung Marool (hot and dry) January – March
The behaviour of the male kangaroos becomes quite aggressive in this season, and it is a sign that the eating of meat is forbidden during this time. This is a health factor; because of the heat of the day meat does not keep, and the likelihood of food poisoning is apparent. The blooming of the Weetjellan (Acacia implexa) is an important sign that fires must not be lit unless they are well away from bushland and on sand only, and that there will be violent storms and heavy rain, so camping near creeks and rivers is not recommended.
Time of Marrai’gang – ?Bana’murrai’yung (wet becoming cooler) April – June
The time of the year when the cries of the Marrai’gang (Quoll) seeking his mate can be heard through the forests and woodlands, and when the lilly pillys ripen on the trees. However, when the lilly pillys start to fall, it is time to mend the old warm cloaks from last cold season, or make new ones, and begin the yearly trek to the coastal areas.Time of Burrugin – ?Tugarah Tuli (cold, frosty, short days) June to late July
This is the time when the male Burrugin (echidnas) form lines of up to ten as they follow the female through the woodlands in an effort to wear her down and mate with her. It is also the time when the Burringoa (Eucalyptus tereticornis) starts to produce flowers, indicating that it is time to collect the nectar of certain plants for the ceremonies which will begin to take place during the next season. It is also a warning not to eat shellfish again until the Boo’kerrikin blooms.Time of Wiritjiribin – ?Tugarah Gunya’marri (cold and windy) August
The lyrebirds’ calls ring out through the bushland as he builds his dancing mounds to attract his potential mates. It is the time of the flowering of the Marrai’uo (Acacia floribunda) which is a sign that the fish are running in the rivers. At the end of this time the Boo’kerrikin (Acacia decurrens) flower, which indicates the end of the cold, windy weather, and the beginning of the gentle spring rains.Time of Ngoonungi – ?Murrai’yunggory (cool, getting warmer) September – October
The time of the gathering of the flying foxes. A magical time of the year when the flying foxes gather in the darkening skies over D’harawal Lands. They come in from the north-east, the north, the north-west and the west, and swirl over the Sydney area in a wonderful, sky-dancing display just after sunset, before setting off for the night-time feeding grounds to the south. But it is also a very important ceremonial time for the D’harawals, which begins with the appearance of the splashes of the bright red Miwa Gawaian (Telopea speciosissima) in the bushland.Time of Parra’dowee – ?Goray’murrai (warm and wet) November – December
This Season begins with the Great Eel Spirit calling his children to him, and the eels which are ready to mate make their way down the rivers and creeks to the ocean. It is the time of the blooming of the Kai’arrewan (Acacia binervia) which announces the occurrence of fish in the bays and estuaries.