Wild Stories, the exhibition

WILD STORIES Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre 1/12/12 – 31/1/13 “Imagine a world where we are all connected with nature – all species cohabitating in harmony, giving space to each other and allowing for the survival and thriving of each and one another.” – Diego Bonetto Artist, naturalist and forager, Diego Bonetto presents Wild Stories, an […]

Last moon of summer, and wild olives

It’s nearly Autumn, or like, what you would call Autumn. Sure enough the olives are turning green, juicy and readying themselves. You’re talking about the wild ones, the ones no one collect or brag about. Still, they are aplenty, and the wildlife enjoys them too. If anyone would want to wait that the fruits got […]

passing on some good writing

Patrick Jones is an artist, permaculturalist and dad from Melbourne. At the moment busy with the setting up of a food forest as part of the incoming show at the MCA, In the Balance, check out the progress here and some more of his writings here. Here you would like to share an article by […]

on Bidens pilosa

You have been walking around, and traveling the world lately, so that you could compare the spontaneous vegetation in different parts of the globe..no not that many, but a few. You came across this Bidens pilosa on The Domain, Sydney, and posted it on you flickr page. While doing a bit of research in trying […]

On Wild Food and Foraging

You found a pubblication distributed via the Free Range Activist Network (FRAW), a loose collection of actions and initiatives with the common goal of improoving living experiences towards a world concerned more with sustainability than economy. Their website is a portal to a number of amazing projects, indicative of the effort of many. Below is […]

On passing on someone elses writings

Working in Venice at the moment, assisting Cordeiro+Healy in their contribution to the Biennale. In the occasional spare time you go around looking for ancient trees and secret gardens. In the mean time this article was suggested by Lucas: Becoming native to this large place All around the countryside, growers of various nationalities have been […]

on pdfs or, on describing nature using unorthodox points of refernce

You’ve been sent this article from the New York Times of 1910. It’s a peculiar offer, yet, you liked the story of an amateur ornithologist of the turn of the last century, who by observation alone, presented the Thayer Theory. After 25 years of research grounded on “description rather then observation” of Crows, gulls, warbles […]

on Tribulus Terrestris

You are subscribed to many lists and groups with a focus on foraging or plants as medicinal aids and more. One of this is a MSN Group, Healing Herbs. In it several contributors share their knowledge while other users ask questions. You have been reading lots of fantastic postings from Julia in this group, one […]

on sowthistle

Pic from the Royal Botanic Garden Herbarioum AKA: DE : Kohl-Gänsedistel ; ES : cerraja común ; FR : laiteron maraîcher ; IT : grespino comune, sonco ; PT : serralha-macia ; EN : smooth sow-thistle ; NL : gewone melkdistel ; DK : almindelig svinemælk This is one of two Sonchus spp. (Sowthistles) that […]