weedbook >>Sydney!

yep, here it is. if you are in Sydney, or you’d like to follow the developmnet of this facebook-weed-ing excercise, just click below and ‘like’ this page! cheers, more to come 🙂 weedbook SydneyPromote your Page too

on artistic content, the lack of or..does it matter?

You spent the day with Lucas yesterday, general catch up on all sort of things, as we are entangled in all sorts of artistic ventures together, like the BigFagPress, SquatSpace and more current and gone projects. We’re going to add another one in the collaborative list, with the -just started- Tending project. This is going […]

Have you ever read Gaia?

You are lucky, you live at the moment amongst one of the most amazing libraries. You always want more information, and books still have a prerogative that electronic sources cannot match, the physicality of the medium: when you hold in your hand facts and words your reading experience is enhanced… you should explain this one, […]

2010, Year of Biodiversity

The United Nations declared 2010 to be the International Year of Biodiversity. It is a celebration of life on earth and of the value of biodiversity for our lives. The world is invited to take action in 2010 to safeguard the variety of life on earth: biodiversity UN Secretary General Welcome Message for the 2010 […]

on media

Hi all, Weedyconnection got feautured in the local Sydney media last week, with an article about urban foraging, read the article here, while today there was a broadcasting of an interview for ABC Radio National’s Bush Telegraph. Readers can download the sound here, or listen to the stream here.

On Wild Food and Foraging

You found a pubblication distributed via the Free Range Activist Network (FRAW), a loose collection of actions and initiatives with the common goal of improoving living experiences towards a world concerned more with sustainability than economy. Their website is a portal to a number of amazing projects, indicative of the effort of many. Below is […]

On playing with the future

While researching Serious Games for your latest intervention in the media world you found Climate Challenge. You decided to share it. ..and here’s what Wikipedia’s got to say about the game: Climate Challenge is a Flash-based global warming game produced by the BBC and developed by Red Redemption. Players manage the economy and resources of […]

In the mean time in Sydney..

Here’s a video about an initiative happening in Sydney right now. Th idea originated in Melbourne, but this should take nothing away from the effort and enthusiasm of this gorup of perma-wizard. Check their website here. What is a permablitz? A permablitz is a permaculture-inspired backyard, frontyard or community makeover where people come together to […]

love the hackers

Hopefully this is going to work. This site was hacked back in March, on the 23rd, and promptly Mr Google banned it from view adding a splash page which warned anyone dropping-by of the dangers hidden behind the code. was the work of a certain 1dt.w0lf, a certain coder who likes to leave his name […]

here it is

Proud, semi-religious..or maybe would be better to define it as pseudo-new-paganism. A bit too didactic if anything, with the text panels over-killing and spoon-feeding to the limit.. but hey, charltans need to sell it with words alone, no need of facts. Good luck Weed Experiment 3.1, you deserve it..