on why you have a problem with Monsanto
Quite simply because you formed your political opinions in the years of No-Corporate-Globalisation.. Late nighties, early noughties, when there was an enormous amount of uprising and contestation around issues of big multinationals overshadowing locally elected governments for the benefit of an increasingly smaller amount of individuals.. The issues are still current, nothing stopped, neither the […]
First weedbook tour: Farm cove, The Domain and the now Royal Botanic Gardens
Getting ready for the first of a series of tours in Sydney, first up The Domain, this coming Saturday, still places available, book via education@mca.com.au or 9245 2484.. The Domain. This is a great way to start, as just over the ridge from where the meeting point is, ( the Art Gallery of NSW) is […]
on the danger of loosing landmarks
In the 1940’s a farmer north-west of Sydney devised a new way to interact with the landscape in order to minimize the loss of topsoil due to erosion, store water and enhance the ability of the soil to regenerate and keep healthy. The farmer was P.A.Yeoman, and is regarded by many as a pioneer in […]