mapping the Campagna Romana

Ok, this is it, 2 n 1/2 months of work got presented to the public last week. Together with a crew of 10 other we devised this ‘mapping of the landscape’. The aim was to gather our critical minds to unravel the complexity of the word nature, dissecting the conglomerate of meanings into various aspects, […]

Natural Sequence Farming

Peter Andrews, is a third generation farmer who has been involved in farming and horse breeding for 60 years. He grew up on a property near Broken Hill area and spent much time with his stockman father and members of the Aboriginal community learning to read the country. He believes that heavy grazing of streambed […]

Tactical Sound Garden, cultivating sounds in public gardens

This guys from New York have yet another take on the relationship human/landscape. Please read on. Tactical Sound Garden [ TSG ] Toolkit Given the ubiquity of mobile devices and wireless networks, and their proliferation throughout increasingly diverse and sometimes unexpected urban sites, what opportunities – and dilemmas – emerge for the design of public […]

Planetary creator of the Gardens

Landscape designer, essay writer, novelist, creator very inspired of the exposure of the “Planetary Garden”, Gilles Clément is one of the rare artists and French thinkers to have a holistic vision of the unit “ecology + culture.” Gilles Clement An article of Wikipédia, the free encyclopaedia. Gilles Clément, born in Argenton (Indre) in 1943 is […]