on why you have a problem with Monsanto
Quite simply because you formed your political opinions in the years of No-Corporate-Globalisation.. Late nighties, early noughties, when there was an enormous amount of uprising and contestation around issues of big multinationals overshadowing locally elected governments for the benefit of an increasingly smaller amount of individuals.. The issues are still current, nothing stopped, neither the […]
More on Bidens pilosa
The Facebook intervention is building up, with some plants getting more friends than other’s.. Interesting is that one in particular, Bidens pilosa (search for it on Facebook) is proving true to its vernacular name in Australia, Farmer’s friend, sticking to people and propagating from one friend to another in a viral mode. So lately you […]
on privet posters, or rather, how you got there via a busy year
Somewhere you read 2008 is the year of getting busy building for the future..uhmm Sure you where busy up to now! This post is just to make a list of what you have been up to so far and a few upcoming events as well. You, reader, might or might not know you are involved […]