What happen on the foraging tours?
This account below came from Kristy, a lovely WWOOFER from Uk who recently attended the Wild Food Master Class along the Cooks river. ********************** The brochure just handed to me, ‘Stop Mowing Your Lawns Australia, Eat Them!’ says it all – reconfirming I was exactly where I wanted to be on this beautiful sunny Saturday […]
Media for Wild Stories, reaching the local audience
Artist shares wild idea FARAH ABDURAHMAN 21 Mar, 2012 South West Advertiser EVERYDAY plants found in your backyard could have health and medicinal benefits. Diego Bonnetto, an artist with a love of all things botanical, has developed a movement within the local community to encourage foraging for wild plants. The artist is working in partnership […]
humor! yes please
indeed, you laughed. While looking around in your connections you seldom come about new things/people/corners in the wide web.. little windows into someone else’s media adventure. This time you found an urban forager, or rather an urban scout as Peter Bauer introduce himself. A cheeky and light-hearted messenger, who likes to pose bare chested, mud […]
On Wild Food and Foraging
You found a pubblication distributed via the Free Range Activist Network (FRAW), a loose collection of actions and initiatives with the common goal of improoving living experiences towards a world concerned more with sustainability than economy. Their website is a portal to a number of amazing projects, indicative of the effort of many. Below is […]
On the big long white cloud
Pic by Senor Lebowski You left Christchurch, New Zealand. The flight gave you the chance to see the landscape from a fantastic advantage point, you had a window seat on a clear day. You where impressed by the width of the river beds, as if the washing downstream on sediment is happening at an amazing […]