the show
On Wednesday for the opening of the group show there were plenty. It happens when you have group shows. If each brings along ten friends/family you have an instant crowd. This one was even more so, as many of the arrtist involved have a vast network of friends, being active in many circles at various […]
about what happen to the people who know this land better than anyone about a culture which lasted for longer then any other about a colonialist attitude to land and its inhabitant. every time i step a foot on the land of australia. Hopefully this official apology will sweeten the bitter taste of guilt.
On Science Fairs
Just on the fine line between shaman and charlatan you (w)talked before: The Science Fair at firstdraft 20th February – 8th March 2008 Opening: 20th February 6pm – 8pm Artist Talks: 8th March, 4:30pm Diego Bonetto Marley Dawson Naomi Derrick Anna John Matthew P. Hopkins Vicki Papageorgopoulos Emma Ramsay Matthew Tumbers Alex Vivian Simon Yates […]
on sowthistle
Pic from the Royal Botanic Garden Herbarioum AKA: DE : Kohl-Gänsedistel ; ES : cerraja común ; FR : laiteron maraîcher ; IT : grespino comune, sonco ; PT : serralha-macia ; EN : smooth sow-thistle ; NL : gewone melkdistel ; DK : almindelig svinemælk This is one of two Sonchus spp. (Sowthistles) that […]