orr st garden

penny algar, an artist who specialises in horticultural vs art projects has created a public garden focusing on cultivating and celebrating weeds and insect, as part of her masters work. working with amanda coulston whose work on emergent system in entomology is fascination, the garden space on orr st, melbourne (in between lygon and cardigan […]


you gave a talk in Torino, at Fluxs Atelier, a space run by two artists from your native city, Manuela e Guido. A talk about your practice, personal and collective outputs from Sydeny. About 15 people came long, some artists, like Andrea Caretto e Raffaella Spagna, a curators like a couple of the Atitolo curatorial […]

On passing on someone elses writings

Working in Venice at the moment, assisting Cordeiro+Healy in their contribution to the Biennale. In the occasional spare time you go around looking for ancient trees and secret gardens. In the mean time this article was suggested by Lucas: Becoming native to this large place All around the countryside, growers of various nationalities have been […]

on learning history through people’s personal expiriences.

I was 11, in Leipzig, and it was a very confusing time. The year before it was just normal to go marching flags in hand for days like this (1st of may ndr). And then, all at the sudden, there was so much confusion. The whole system collapsed, and the people didnt know what to […]

Spinning art into a fine thread

The story goes Leipzig had the biggest cotton-spinning plant of continental Europe. At the time 4,000 people worked in a 10 hectares complex which included worker’s homes, allotment gardens and the factory’s kindegarten. After the fall of DDR the factories were abandoned and left unattended. Tjhe ownership changed from state to a private consortium who […]