My Crown Of Weeds
You are reblogging here the words from Jennifer Hamilton, on the occasion when you went on an harvest to collect with her the necessary ingredients for a Crown Of Weeds… read on>> “A long time ago I promised to think more about the crown of weeds in King Lear. On October 12, 2012, more than […]
The latest Wild Story
on how to make a bark canoe
Historians Jim Walliss and instigator Diego Bonetto collaborate with artists Steve Russell and Noel Lonesborough from Boolarng Nangamai Aboriginal Corporation to tackle the challenge of making a traditional (Aboriginal) Jervis Bay canoe from the bark of a stringybark tree sourced on the Bundanon property. The canoe was constructed in eight hours – following clear directions […]
the local weather
You have looked at the weather from all directions. You have followed the moon, the seasons, the relationship between the crescent to the rest of the cycle, the common (imported) knowledge of various cultures, sayings, hear-says, the words from yours old ways of northern Italy.. By now your friends just ‘let you talk’, as in, […]
Making strings with Brown Kurrajong
it’s time to build a boat
a canoe actually. Setting off early tomorrow morning for a mini-residency at Bundanon, about 3 hours south of Sydney, on an historic property now managed as a trust. This is going to be yet another chapter for Siteworks, “[…] an ongoing series of interactive projects focusing on the unique Bundanon properties: 1100 hectares of pristine […]
It’s SPRING, apparently..
So, the reason why Spring in Australia starts on the first of September is due to an army rule dating back to the start of the Australian colony, early 1800’s. At the time there were two uniform’s standards, the winter and the summer one. The change over, for all troops, was on the first day […]
a couple of links about weeds
The Last Stand of the Wild Flowers, as it appeared on the Independent a few years back. A poetic ode to weeds: To judge by the scores of visitors to the farm this year, weed-seeking is becoming a new country sport. So far Helen has taken 25 parties out among the weeds, and the demand […]
On making lilly pilli jam and searching for cabbage tree palms
It is likely, according to Jim, that the alluvial flats of Bundanon and adjoining properties had several Brush cherries Sygyzum penniculata. Now there are only a few very old specimen of it left, as they were cleared out of valuable land. Indigenous population most probably enjoyed the seasonal abundance, surely the early settlers of this […]
Day 2, making strings, and learning about corkwood
we went to collect a young Brown Kurrajong, Commersonia fraseri, also known as Black-fellow’s Hemp, as it was extensively used as a source of fibre. The branch is pounded with a rounded stone to facilitate the separation of the inner bark. You need to pay attention to not break the fibre in the process. The […]