On Foraging Mulberries, Dock and Fennel
Joel Werner host a very interesting program on ABC Radio, Off Track. It is always interesting to get to talk to a producer and/or host, as you can then understand better the selection of interviews and the range of topics they cover in their programs. As he explained, he tries to leverage on perceptions and […]
On foraging and Videos, a poetic response
From Alex and Clare 🙂 Pioneers from vdmalex on Vimeo. 2010 we attended a ‘Weed Tour’ of Sydney Park, hosted by local artist Diego Bonetto as part of the Museum of Contemporary Art’s major exhibition ‘In The Balance: Art for a Changing World’. Diego introduced us to his friends – dandelion, wild mustard, sowthistle and […]
on how to make a bark canoe
Historians Jim Walliss and instigator Diego Bonetto collaborate with artists Steve Russell and Noel Lonesborough from Boolarng Nangamai Aboriginal Corporation to tackle the challenge of making a traditional (Aboriginal) Jervis Bay canoe from the bark of a stringybark tree sourced on the Bundanon property. The canoe was constructed in eight hours – following clear directions […]
Tattoo idea for Dandelions lovers
Source: flickr.com via Heidi on Pinterest
Dillan and the games of youth
Baloonvine fishing rod a video by the weed one on Flickr. As you were in residence at Casula Powerhouse for the development of Wild Stories, you met Dillan, a young boy from the neighborhood. As it happens, this boy knows the local river shore much better then many other people. He comes down to the […]