on The Hanging Gardens and Other Tales

Do you have a potted friend that means something special to you? Perhaps a hanging succulent that’s followed you from one home to the next? Would you like your plant’s story to be part of an exciting new project about these oftenoverlooked neighbours? … Then we’d love to hear from you. Contact the artists: Karl […]

on fairy rings, endangered ecosystems and four-leaf clovers

The rain gave reason to mushrooms to flourish this season. Our urban parks are filled with the most prolific displays, like this one, a fairy ring of Blewits (Lepista Nuda and Lepista saeva). Cab’s Wild Food Page, a UK based foraging site, says of this mushrooms: Probably the most popular wild mushroom in many parts […]

here it is

the map of the Self-Guided Tour of the weeds of Maundrell Park, Petersham, part of the Art in the Park: Cross Pollination, group show curated by the Makeshift duo. Here you can find a PDF version of it (better for print, 1,814kb). and here is the Guide, where the species are detailed. The Self-Guided Tour […]

Bundanon List – Black Berry Nightshade (Solanum Nigrum)

The list keeps flowing from your findings in Bundanon Annual growing to 0.6m by 0.3m. It flowers all through summer, and the seeds ripen in autumn. The flowers are hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Insects. The plant adapt to a variety of soils but cannot grow in the shade. […]

On Talking About It

You gave a talk today, at the ATVP Contemporary Art. You bacame good at it, by now the catch-frases flow out of your mouth, like the one on multiculturalism in Australia,”a display of funny costumes, funny dances, funny foods and funny accents”. It works all the time, it always catches some smiles. At times you […]

On The Need To Listen To The Other Side Of The Story

Photo by Liz Bartlet You have been reading ‘Feral Future‘ by Tim Low. A fascinating book on the ecological disaster perpetuated by human in this continent. His argument is flawless, his research and historical account are excellent and extensive. Low trace back the slow intrusion of animals, plants and diseases in this continent by the […]

On Non-Native Connections With Native Species, and viceversa

So, after much research you can now name the Oxalis you were having for dinner, Oxalis radicosa, a native oxalis. Interesting how you used an old european recipe to prepare the plant, somewhat proving that trans-national ethnobotany is posiible! There are a number of other examples of such relationship with plants, in both ways, migrant […]

The List Again – Common Thornapple (Datura stramonium)

Common Thornapple (Datura stramonium) Origin: Native of the USA and Mexico. Family: Solanaceae. Known Hazards: All members of this genus contain narcotics and are very poisonous, even in small doses. Physical Characteristics: Flowers: Trumpet-shaped and 5-lobed, surrounded at base by sepals 3–5.5 cm long. Flowers summer.Annual herb to 1.5 m high. Leaves 8–36 cm long, […]

The List Goes On 3 – Sheep sorrel, Plantain and Blackberry

Those three findings have been feautured before in older postings. The reader can find Sheep sorrel(Acetosella vulgaris) here, Plantain (Plantago Lanceolata) here and Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) here, while here, here and here is some more information. Those three plants have been some of the first introduced species in Australia, porposely seeded around the continent by […]

The List Goes On 2 – Bamboo

You will keep feautring one by one the plants found in Bundanon. You have written about a few others in previous posts, like Camphor Laurel, Fat Hen, Purslane and Poplars. There will be a brochure produced as a result of this residency, where some of those plants will be introduced. In the mean time The […]