On hoW to pRepAre prIckLY peAr

Nopal, or prickly pear, has many uses, the most common being culinary. Mexican and South American cooking frequently calls for this versatile vegetable, and it is gaining popularity for its practicality and health benefits. Nopal is high in soluble fiber and low in calories at just five per ½ cup. ? Instructions Things You’ll Need […]

Riso alle erbacce

This is an adaptation of a recipe found on Piante Selvatiche by C Gamacchio. On it there was a risotto style dish with main ingredients being dandelions (taraxacum) and hawkbit (leontodon). I found a bunch on hawkbit but had to replace the dandelion with a combination of young nettle shoots (urtica), blackberris sprouts (rubus), a […]

it’s time to build a boat

a canoe actually. Setting off early tomorrow morning for a mini-residency at Bundanon, about 3 hours south of Sydney, on an historic property now managed as a trust. This is going to be yet another chapter for Siteworks, “[…] an ongoing series of interactive projects focusing on the unique Bundanon properties: 1100 hectares of pristine […]

On making lilly pilli jam and searching for cabbage tree palms

It is likely, according to Jim, that the alluvial flats of Bundanon and adjoining properties had several Brush cherries Sygyzum penniculata. Now there are only a few very old specimen of it left, as they were cleared out of valuable land. Indigenous population most probably enjoyed the seasonal abundance, surely the early settlers of this […]

Day 2, making strings, and learning about corkwood

we went to collect a young Brown Kurrajong, Commersonia fraseri, also known as Black-fellow’s Hemp, as it was extensively used as a source of fibre. The branch is pounded with a rounded stone to facilitate the separation of the inner bark. You need to pay attention to not break the fibre in the process. The […]

back in Bundanon

In Bundanon for a week, the starting point of a project which sparked off from your involvement with SiteWorks (please click the link to know more). As a spin-off from the amazing laboratory that SiteWorks was, you and Jim Wallis decided to propose a series of mini residencies here, where you will look at the […]

On passing on someone elses writings

Working in Venice at the moment, assisting Cordeiro+Healy in their contribution to the Biennale. In the occasional spare time you go around looking for ancient trees and secret gardens. In the mean time this article was suggested by Lucas: Becoming native to this large place All around the countryside, growers of various nationalities have been […]

on pdfs or, on describing nature using unorthodox points of refernce

You’ve been sent this article from the New York Times of 1910. It’s a peculiar offer, yet, you liked the story of an amateur ornithologist of the turn of the last century, who by observation alone, presented the Thayer Theory. After 25 years of research grounded on “description rather then observation” of Crows, gulls, warbles […]

on privet posters, or rather, how you got there via a busy year

Somewhere you read 2008 is the year of getting busy building for the future..uhmm Sure you where busy up to now! This post is just to make a list of what you have been up to so far and a few upcoming events as well. You, reader, might or might not know you are involved […]