The mushroom’s harvest moon

delivering a basket of Saffron Milk Caps in exchange for a gift voucher. Amity from Alfalfa food cooperative eagerly accept the booty for a no-cash exchange deal It’s that time of the year, the temperature drops and the autumn rains bring out the seasonal bounty: mushrooms. As there are plenty of better and lesser known […]

Last moon of summer, and wild olives

It’s nearly Autumn, or like, what you would call Autumn. Sure enough the olives are turning green, juicy and readying themselves. You’re talking about the wild ones, the ones no one collect or brag about. Still, they are aplenty, and the wildlife enjoys them too. If anyone would want to wait that the fruits got […]

humor! yes please

indeed, you laughed. While looking around in your connections you seldom come about new things/people/corners in the wide web.. little windows into someone else’s media adventure. This time you found an urban forager, or rather an urban scout as Peter Bauer introduce himself. A cheeky and light-hearted messenger, who likes to pose bare chested, mud […]

on perMapOesiS

Natural Bitterness from Patrick Jones on Vimeo. a short video poem by Patrick Jones, permaculturalist, spoken word artist, poet, blogger, father, all of which in no specific order. ” the industries of spontaneous flora. an invisible abundance that greed ignores ” Read more here

on media

Hi all, Weedyconnection got feautured in the local Sydney media last week, with an article about urban foraging, read the article here, while today there was a broadcasting of an interview for ABC Radio National’s Bush Telegraph. Readers can download the sound here, or listen to the stream here.

On Wild Food and Foraging

You found a pubblication distributed via the Free Range Activist Network (FRAW), a loose collection of actions and initiatives with the common goal of improoving living experiences towards a world concerned more with sustainability than economy. Their website is a portal to a number of amazing projects, indicative of the effort of many. Below is […]

on one mile diets

There are lots of artistic investigations out there focusing on the way humans relate to their surrounding environments, like yours. Ally Reeves and Robin Hewlett have an ongoing project about just that. One Mile Diet takes the concept of the 100 Miles Diet movement to a new height (or distance, rather). Here’s how Ally Reeves […]

on fairy rings, endangered ecosystems and four-leaf clovers

The rain gave reason to mushrooms to flourish this season. Our urban parks are filled with the most prolific displays, like this one, a fairy ring of Blewits (Lepista Nuda and Lepista saeva). Cab’s Wild Food Page, a UK based foraging site, says of this mushrooms: Probably the most popular wild mushroom in many parts […]

on the ones you didnt know

Autumn slowly draw the curtain at a humid and stormy summer, the forests of australia sprouting mushrooms at a rate not been seen from a while. So much rain we had in the past 8 months, more than many years’ averages. We went to the Belanglo State Forest, looking at the place you read about […]